Coupons & Discounts

Drive customer sale percentages through the roof with the Coupons & Discounts addon. It's marketing 101 for good reason!


Fully Extended

By default woocommerce's coupon features are very plain and limited in functionality. This addon some of the essential marketing and promotion features that are missing.

Key Features

Need more advanced coupon and dicsount features? The Coupons & Discounts addon is sure to put a smile on your face.

URL Coupons

Extended woocommerce's coupon functionality by allowing custom coupons to be added to a visitor's cart automatically when they visit a link.

Personal Coupons

Reward loyal and older customers with personal coupons that can be easiky generated with the click of a button.

Automatic Discounts

Create automatic discounts for customers based on cart totals or products in their cart.

Fixed Or Percentage

Discounts are very flexible. You can have a fixed value discount or percentage based.

HostCoral Web Services - top rated reliable and professional plugins for WordPress & WooCommerce.